Eliminate Tobacco Smoking
     Feel Better!
     Look Better!
     Live Longer!

          Even The Words Cold Turkey Are Scary!

Well you could say that, but they don't have to be. If your will power is strong enough and your mindset is quitting for sure, you could be one of the lucky few that can pull it off!

Going cold turkey with giving up tobacco smoking is not an easy thing for the average smoker. You have to want to quit really badly to stand a decent chance.
Tips To Help You Stick To The Plan

1. Make sure you have no tobacco cigarettes in the house. Don't keep a few lying around just to test your strength. A lot of people do this and it waltzes them right into that failure they are so afraid of.

2. Take up all ash trays, lighters, cigarette cases and anything else that will trigger your smoking urge. Clean out the ash tray in your car and close it if you have one!

3. Since people have a tendency to eat more when they go cold turkey, stock up on other less fattening foods ahead of time. Plain popcorn, fruit, raw vegetables and that sort of thing will let you snack more, but won't pack on the pounds. Try to stick to your normal eating habits if they are good. If you have bad eating habits too, maybe you could concentrate on making small changes to your diet and hopefully that can take your mind off not smoking!

4. If you don't exercise, you should start. If you are terribly out of shape, take it slow and maybe even see your doctor about the whole ordeal. Doctors can be very helpful when you are laying down tobacco or trying to lose weight.

5. If you have time, learn to meditate. This can mean going for a short walk or just sitting in a room alone for a bit and block everything and everyone else out. Meditation can refresh your mind and your body. Spend the time thinking about what makes you happy, like beating the tobacco and all the things you will enjoy more when you do!

So, going cold turkey might not be something that every smoker can do.
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